Monday, June 30, 2008

For Grampa McGrady

Today is the 38th anniversary of his death. I was only 6 when he died, but I still have memories of him. I always associate Grampa with pool tables and doing whatever he could do to make a shot - he would get into some creative positions with the cue stick behind his back just to get a better shot. I also think of him whenever I hear about rootbeer floats. The day of his funeral most of the grandkids went over to 'Aunt Marilyn's' house - this was Aunt Chickie's sister-in-law. She was getting ready to make us rootbeer floats when our parents came to pick us up. I remember getting upset because we wanted to stay and have our floats. Thinking back I felt bad because I'm sure we protested (as six and seven year olds do when they aren't getting their way) when Mom had us come home. Of course, I wasn't thinking about how she felt and that she just buried her father, but only about not getting what I wanted. I'm sorry if we made a hard day harder Mom.

I came across these pictures the other day and thought I would post them. We took these on Memorial day before we moved.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Driving Thru Palmetto Dunes

This is just to show you what driving through Palmetto Dunes is like...most of the plantations are like this. Hilton Head Island is truly a beautiful place!

We always listen to books on tape when we go somewhere...Will loves them!

More Pictures from Saturday Night

David, Lori's partner said that they have two boats and a kayak and canoe in the garage and they rarely ever use them. They invited to call them sometime so we could use their kayak / canoe to go around the lagoon. We told him we'd take him up on it, especially when Emily gets her in July!
It is so beautiful over here. The owners say they feel very fortunate to be in such a relaxing place.

Meet Lily

Lily is six years old and she is staying at her Great Aunt Lori's house for the summer. Lily is in Love with Will. She always calls him her boyfriend...sometimes I think it makes Will uncomfortable, but he still enjoys her company!
They met about a year ago at church and Will said 'Come on, I'll show you Dad runs this place!' She always refers to our church as her boyfriend's church!

Will Having Fun

Palmetto Dunes

We went over to a friend's house for dinner on Saturday night - they live in the beautiful Palmetto Dune Plantation. They have an amazing, beautiful place and a backyard to die for. They have a pool off the back deck & patio and beyond the pool is the lagoon that encircles the plantation - it's 11 miles long.

Lori, Ken, David and Lily invited us over to go swimming and then take the kids over to the golf course where they could practice riding bikes. Both Lily & Will are learning and we wanted a soft, hilly area were they could practice and if they fell, would not get hurt. It was a success! By the end of the evening they were both riding their bikes!! It was a great evening.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Okay, this is long and possibly very boring...maybe...probably. But, I was intrigued by the strange weather. Let me know if you think I should send it into the Weather Channel as an audition tape, okay?

A Father's Day Thunderstorm

Toward the very end of this clip, you will finally see some lightning. I tried very hard to coax the lightning to appear for you - hope you enjoy a slice of my afternoon. It is now about 2 hours after I shot this and there is still thunder out in the distance and it is finally raining. Cooled things off around here. Hope you all have a nice Father's Day!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Can't Believe It's Been 8 Years..

Mom and I did this on June 9th, 2000. I am very glad that we had that time together and have captured a very important part of my life together. Thanks for helping me with this, Mom.
This sculpture stayed unfinished until last year.
I decided I wanted to display it and used a design that would compliment our room colors. I figure that if I want to, I can continue to make adjustments when I want to...if I want to.

Bike Ride Around the Lake Last Night

What the...?

Oh no he isn' he? Luke has to check this out!

HEY, LUKE!!!!!

Hey, what's going on?

Hey George, what's the scoop?

Howdy Luke...that guy is at it again - this time it looks like this will be good eatin' for us. We better get ahold of Charlie and have him come check it out...

Charlie, Come Here...Quick!!!!

Score! Get that guy out here to hurry this up - it always takes so long waiting for a new eatery to open!

Tom's starting a new project

He wants to start a garden in the back part of the yard. We already have some pumpkin seeds growing on the window sill in the kitchen. The plan is to have a compost pile and garden back here - we'll also put in a fence around it so it's kind of hidden. I know the bunnies and armadillos will enjoy it...not to mention the birds.

I like these pics of Will

Friday, June 06, 2008

Will taking a nap

Do you love his tattoo?
He looks pretty tall - or long, doesn't he?

The lagoon behind the church

About Me

My photo
I moved from California to South Carolina 2 1/2 years ago for my husband's job. We really like it here but miss the family and friends. My husband, Tom and I have a 8 1/2 year-old son named William.