Friday, October 19, 2007

Beautiful Rainbows this morning

This morning when I was leaving for work, this is what I saw! It was so impressive. People were out looking at it and taking pictures (like Tom!) William was still waiting for the bus and he was running to try to catch the leprechaun!!


sandy said...

ohhh, came by for a visit just in time..these are gorgeous Rebecca...

how are you all sorry we missed you when you were in town. I met to answer your phone call you left...but life gets so busy here....never a quiet moment unless its' late at night...

Enjoyed catching up on your blog and all the pics....give that Will a hug for me...he is a cutie!

and....he is just growing up too fast..kind of like Hunter...

where do the years go.

By the way, I was looking in my artist magazine I buy...and I noticed a huge art fair going on in Charleston soon..can't remember what weekend...are you going...

take care, love ya all.


sandy said...

that should say "meant" to answer......yada yada...

cat's momma said...

Beautiful photos of the rainbow!!

Rebecca said...

Thanks for stopping by! I was glad that Tom was able to take a few pictures of the rainbow - it was beautiful. It's hard to tell in these pics but it was a double rainbow.

Yes, the years are flying by and it seems to go faster now.

Sandy - Hadn't heard of an art fair, but I will be in Charleston 11/1 & 11/2 for a meeting. You would really love that city, I think. You should come out!

sandy said...!!!???!!!

I would LOVE to come visit some fun that would be...

Would you go out for a long island with me...just me and you, catching up on the old memories...

love ya,

About Me

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I moved from California to South Carolina 2 1/2 years ago for my husband's job. We really like it here but miss the family and friends. My husband, Tom and I have a 8 1/2 year-old son named William.