Sunday, December 30, 2007

Open House

We decided to host an open house on Christmas Day from 1p to 5 p. It was a lot of work, but lots of fun, too. We ended up having 38 people come by - not at the same time, of course, but throughout the day. It was the first time we had ever had a party at our place and I think it worked out pretty well. Coco just did not know what to make of this crazy day...what with the presents and all those people there.

"And dey actuawy kept me outside da hole time doz people were dere!!! I coodn't beweve it!! I am part of dis famwee and doz udder people neber eben bin here besore. I had to keep running around da backyard and barking. I eben had to climb up on the patio table. Don't git me wong, dat was fun, but hey, git weal! After all da peeps left, an dey finawee let me in, dere was a lot of free food on the table. Wen my so called famwee wasn't lookin, I took da hole spinich dip in da back yard and enjoyed myself!!! hahahaha Dat will teach dem. Dey are so not going to git pwesents from me next year!" Coco ranted.

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About Me

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I moved from California to South Carolina 2 1/2 years ago for my husband's job. We really like it here but miss the family and friends. My husband, Tom and I have a 8 1/2 year-old son named William.