Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Will on the May

We went down to the May River just after sunset - I always seem to miss the best time to get over there. Anyway - It was cool and we enjoyed the scenery. I asked Will if he thought it was pretty and he said 'Girls think things are pretty, boys not so much!' Well, I never!! What is HE learning? And from whom?!


cat's momma said...

Goofy kid...haha! So boys don't notice if something is pretty? I think he just doesn't like to say the word "pretty"! ;)

sandy said...

will be back later to catch up...just waving hi.

About Me

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I moved from California to South Carolina 2 1/2 years ago for my husband's job. We really like it here but miss the family and friends. My husband, Tom and I have a 8 1/2 year-old son named William.