Saturday, April 10, 2010

From Will's 4th Grade Play

They did a play called 'Brothers of the Knight' on Thursday. He did one of the narrator parts but he also had to dance and sing. He had a good time and so did we.


sandy said...

Go Will! Narration and dance and sing! I think there is an actor in the family eh!

Rebecca said...

I am trying to get him into acting...he is soooooo funny too, cracks us up! I think he enjoyed doing the play but he is scared to audition. This was a mandatory performance for the 4th grade so he didn't have to 'try out' for it! I'm still encouraging him though!

Thanks for stopping by and for your comments Sandy! And, congrats again on 'Popcorn'!!!!

sandy said...

Thanks again about that popcorn of mine and you know, it makes sense he has a good sense of humor, look at the Gordons and how much the Gordons could keep people laughing. Does he remind you of Ron or Bill, even Steve, or you, with his comedy? I never got to know if Steve was as funny as the rest of you when younger because I wasn't around him as much.

I hope Will really gets it, that he can be anything he wants and do anything when he gets older. What fun to have that whole future ahead of you.

I think fear has kept so many people from doing auditions and things they really wanted (for me definitely it was public speaking).

About Me

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I moved from California to South Carolina 2 1/2 years ago for my husband's job. We really like it here but miss the family and friends. My husband, Tom and I have a 8 1/2 year-old son named William.