Saturday, July 05, 2008

Playing Soccer on the Fourth of July

After dinner we all played soccer in the backyard. It was Emily and me against Tom and Will - we were winning, too! Unfortunately, as I was kicking the ball with one leg, my other foot tripped on a hole in the ground and I twisted my right ankle pretty bad. We went to the urgent care today and had xrays - nothing broken...just a bad sprain. I am wearing a brace on my foot and using crutches. They told me to keep off my feet and not put any weight on it - not to worry there, because right now it's too painful to try that.

Emily has taken to calling me 'Hoppy!' Funny girl!!! Anyway, the upside is that I was able to get some shots of them playing together. Today we were all pretty low energy - Emily isn't feeling too well today - so we all just took it easy - which was nice, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The second and third pics are funny. She looks like she laid the smackdown on that poor kid and is taunting him to try and get back up for more.

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I moved from California to South Carolina 2 1/2 years ago for my husband's job. We really like it here but miss the family and friends. My husband, Tom and I have a 8 1/2 year-old son named William.