Monday, January 19, 2009

Clearly Not Very Good - But, Oh, Well!!

This picture was taken on Christmas at our house in San Dimas. I think it was in 1985 or 86. Grandma looks so pretty, doesn't she? I didn't get them at all in the sketch I attempted, but what the hey...thought I'd put it up anyway.
Don't know the reason for wanting to sketch - or why I feel the need to put these up, even if they're not very good, but I'm just going with it. My new motto.


sandy said...

I am SO enjoying all your sketches. Good for you to get started on drawing!

cat's momma said...

Isn't it cool how all of a sudden you get an urge to sketch! I first got that urge when I turned 50 and asked for paints and paper for my birthday. That started an almost 10-year hobby for me. I hope you continue to sketch. There is something relaxing and freeing about it. Good for you, Rebecca! Keep it up.

Rebecca said...

Thanks you two! It is kind of strange because I've never had the urge to do it before. I always thought I could only draw 'stick' people so why bother. But I am learning some tricks and it's fun to experiment. I'll have to try some of the houses I have photographed in Bluffton - I think those might be fun to try.

You have both inspired me to get creative. That has been my resolution this year - to follow the urges on what I think will be fun - and to explore my creativity.

Thanks again!

About Me

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I moved from California to South Carolina 2 1/2 years ago for my husband's job. We really like it here but miss the family and friends. My husband, Tom and I have a 8 1/2 year-old son named William.