Saturday, March 14, 2009

I Found An OLD Picture of Me

I did a photo shoot with Sonya...can't remember how old I was then, probably 18-20. Wow, time flies, huh?!! Anyway, I tried it out. Still just trying to figure out working with colored pencils.


cat's momma said...

Excellent job!

And Will's conversation on the phone seems like it was very animated! ;)

sandy said...

Nice job Rebecca...

Rebecca said...

Thanks you two! Hope you had fun together last week :-)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the drawing and the photo (great shot). I've been thinking about all those shoots you did with Sonya and I know she gave you the doubles of them. I hope some day you take the time to draw some of the others, too. There were so many beautiful pictures taken in junior and senior year. You look so lovely there. And I remember that top you are wearing. The picture has the feeling of summer to me.
You still surprise me with the interest in drawing. I think it is wonderful. I bet it really takes your attention and thoughts away from what is going on with work, so that you at least get mini-vacations from the stresses there. Good job with faces and with the precious doggies. Makes me miss them more. Puppers had such great blendings of hair color, didn't he?

About Me

My photo
I moved from California to South Carolina 2 1/2 years ago for my husband's job. We really like it here but miss the family and friends. My husband, Tom and I have a 8 1/2 year-old son named William.