Tuesday, September 02, 2008


I'm getting a bit nervous about this storm. If it is a category 1 they will do a mandatory evac of the island. The area we are in would be mandatory if it hits a 3 (were right on the border of a 2 or 3). I'm just getting some things together just in case. They are set to make a call by Thursday morning if they will do an evacuation. I'm pretty sure they will call off school on Friday, but I haven't heard if I am supposed to go into work on Friday or not.

This storm, like others, could very well move back out to sea and miss us completely. That's what we will hope for! I'll keep you posted.


sandy said...

I have been wondering about this off and on all day, how you would be there. Stay safe and I hope for your sake you don't have to evacuate!!

I'll be watching weather channel a lot....

Thanks for posting because it answered a few questions I had about where exactly you are and what impact Hanna might have.

cat's momma said...

I saw this morning that they are saying Hanna is headed for South Carolina...GULP! I've been wondering about you guys. I hope you don't have to evacuate!!!!

When Dad lived in Texas I remember he and Betty had to leave the island they were living on. Or did he leave? You know, knowing him, he should have but didn't budge. My memory is foggy.

About Me

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I moved from California to South Carolina 2 1/2 years ago for my husband's job. We really like it here but miss the family and friends. My husband, Tom and I have a 8 1/2 year-old son named William.